Team > Franka Gaiser
Sport Ecology
By analysing big data, that cover taxonomic, spatial and temporal scales comprehensively, I’d like to shed light on mechansims which are shaping the composition of ecological systems, and how this composition changes over space and in time. Thereby, I’d like to contribute to a better understanding of biodiversity dynamics in the Anthropocene.
Since 2022
Research assistant and doctoral candidate on biodiversity dynamics in the Anthropocene at the department of sport ecology, University of Bayreuth, Germany2023
Co-responsible for workshop „Adressing macro-ecologcial questions with paleontological data“, meeting macroecology and biogeography 2023, University of Bayreuth, Germany2020 - 2023
M.Sc. Global Change Ecology, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Masterthesis: "Tracing plant communities through Europe by unifying fossil pollen records of the last 12,000 years", Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manuel Steinbauer2022
Research internship at the department of marine biology, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran2022
Volunteer IPBES9, Bonn, Germany2021 - 2022
Supplementary Studies Data Literacy, University of Bayreuth, Deutschland2021
Research internship in the group of entomology, National Park Balck Forest, Germany2017 - 2020
B.Sc. Environmental and Resource Management, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany
Bachelorthesis: „Athropod communities between solar panels and in two alternative habitats in a solar farm“, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Birkhofer2019
Erasmus+ semester abroad in forestry and environmental sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Sport Ecology
- Palaeoecology
- Landscape- and macrp-ecology
- Quantitative data analysis and modelling
Sport Ecology
Franka Gaiser
Research Assistant, DFG-Projekt "PastKey"
Building: Sport, Room 1.39
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3488